Memory-aware scheduling for NUMA architectures (Patent US8635626B2)
Key: JKF12-1
Author: Alin Jula, Jan Karstens, Alexander Frömmgen
Date: July 2012
Kind: @patent
Abstract: A topology reader may determine a topology of a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architecture including a number of, and connections between, a plurality of sockets, each socket including one or more cores and at least one memory configured to execute a plurality of threads of a software application. A core list generator may generate, for each designated core of the NUMA architecture, and based on the topology, a proximity list listing non-designated cores in an order corresponding to a proximity of the non-designated cores to the designated core. A core selector may determine, at a target core and during the execution of the plurality of threads, that the target core is executing an insufficient number of the plurality of threads, and may select a source core at the target core, according to the proximity list associated therewith, for subsequent transfer of a transferred thread from the selected source core to the target core for execution thereon.
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