InGeo-IC: The portal to Geodata
Key: JaaD00-1
Author: Uwe Jasnoch, Stefan Göbel and Dirk Balfanz
Date: January 2000
Kind: @conference
Book title: E-business: Key-Issues, Applications and Technologies
Keywords: E-Commerce, Metadata, Geodata, Portal
Abstract: In Germany there exist innumerable geodata which, on the one hand, represent a great economic value but, on the other hand, lie idle to a great extent with (puclic and private) data suppliers so that they cannot be disposed of by potential geodata appliers. This is the reason for a platform or a turntable to be found connecting the groups belonging to the geodata market: geodata providers and appliers as well as GIS service providers. The information and cooperation forum for geodata (InGeoForum) has taken over to create such a platform.

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