MoodlePeers: Factors relevant in learning group formation for improved learning outcomes, satisfaction and commitment in E-learning scenarios using GroupAL
Key: KBR+16-1
Author: Johannes Konert, Henrik Bellhäuser, René Röpke, Eduard Gallwas, Ahmed Zucik
Date: September 2016
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer LNCS
Book title: Proc. of 11th Euopean Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2016)
Keywords: group formation, learning outcome, learning goal alignment, peer learning, personality traits, motivation, expectation, optimization
Abstract: High-scale and pure online learning scenarios (like MOOCs) as well as blended-learning scenarios offer great possibilities to optimize the composi-tion of learning groups working together on the assigned (or selected) tasks. While the benefits and importance of peer learning for deep learning and improvement of e.g. problem-solving competency and social skills are indis-putable, little evidences exist about the relevant factors for group formation and their combination to optimize the learning outcome for all participants (in all groups). Based on the GroupAL algorithm, MoodlePeers proposes an approach with three supported scenarios to be selected by course executives. Evaluated in a four-week online university mathematics preparation course MoodlePeers proved significant differences in submission rate of homework, quality of homework, keeping up, and satisfaction with group work com-pared to randomly created groups. The significant factors from personality traits, motivation and team orientation are discussed as well as the algorithmic key functionality behind.
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