Navigationsassistenz für ältere Menschen im öffentlichen Nahverkehr
Key: KDW+13-1
Author: Felix Kamieth, Tim Dutz, Pia Weiss, Stefanie Müller, Christian Reuter, Reiner Wichert, Peter Klein, Stefan Göbel
Date: January 2013
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: VDE Verlag
Book title: Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik - 6. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung
Abstract: Based on existing solutions in the area of mobility and navigational assistance, in this work we present a concept applying these findings to support users of public transport. Special focus will be on senior citizens. Drawing from interviews with end-users, a system concept for the technical implementation of the aforementioned assistance system will be made possible. A mobile assistant, available both as device by its own right as well as an app for smart phones will provide navigational support for users and is capable of contacting volunteers if required. Configuration of the assistant is possible from the user’s private PC (if available) and through access points at local service centers.

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