Using weak-ties for problem solving: Methodical knowledge exchange in Social Networks
Key: KGS11-2
Author: Johannes Konert, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: February 2011
Kind: @misc
Abstract: Difficulties of problem solving in a domain, where users have the factual knowledge, are mostly ascribed to missing methodical knowledge (and practice). In contrast to the common approach to consult expert networks, we suggest a solution where users can find content for methodical approaches and best practices for the current problem at hand in (one of) their online social networks. To find and suggest this User-generated Experience Content (UEC), we choose an algorithmic approach taking into account parameters for optimization like level of trust, context of the searching user and quality of the found UEC. Here one hypothesis is that UEC from peers is easier to understand due to a shared social context and common sense between the users. We presume that this results in a lower frustration in problem solving, shortens the time needed and increases the learning effect for the person facing the problem. We evaluate the use of this peer-based UEC suggestion approach in several projects. First application is in the context of game-based problems (challenges) in levels of Serious Games connected to Online Social Networks like Facebook. We will discuss further projects and possible applications.
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