Network Testing Utilizing Programmable Network Hardware | |
Key: | KSH+22 |
Author: | Ralf Kundel, Fridolin Siegmund, Rhaban Hark, Amr Rizk, Boris Koldehofe |
Date: | February 2022 |
Kind: | @article |
Abstract: | QoS requirements on modern network hardware, including switches and routers, require the ability to conduct precise measurements of the packet processing and forwarding of network elements. This requires tracing packet processing and detecting the loss of packets with high timing accuracy. Current approaches for network testing rely on special and purpose-built devices, which are costly and inflexible as these devices cannot be reconfigured to include new testing or monitoring functionality. In this article, we demonstrate the power behind novel programmable network switches to enable highly accurate and flexible testing and monitoring of network element functionality before and during deployment. While the cost of such switches is comparable to traditional commodity switches, their processing logic can be programmed to realize specific networking functionality. In the context of P4STA, an open source measurement framework previously presented by us, we show how the programmability of modern network switches helps to perform highly accurate and purpose-independent testing of network elements. In addition, we also highlight its ability to support reconfigurable monitoring tasks within the network after deployment. |
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