Social Serious Games
Key: KSW16-1
Author: Johannes Konert, Heinrich Söbke, Viktor Wendel
Date: October 2016
Kind: @incollection
Publisher: Springer Publishing International
Book title: Entertainment Computing and Serious Games
Abstract: Based on the emerging popularity of social network services like Facebook Online Social Networks (OSNs) have found an increasing playership in the last years. Their proliferation is supported by an easy accessibility which enables even non gamers to entry in these games. A main characteristic of these games is the utilization on already existing networks of social ties. At least in theory these foster communities of interest, which are considered a vivid source of learning. Summarizing these facts and considering the comparably low e orts for development of such games makes Social Network Games (SNGs) to be a remarkable instrument for serious games, especially educational games. For this reason we describe in this chapter their unique characteristics. Underlying theoretical assumptions are presented. Example cases illustrate potential usages. The bridge to pedagogical and didactic use is illustrated by connecting theories from both worlds and naming best practice examples. Furthermore, speci c aspects in the design and development of SNGs are discussed. Examples are establishment of deep learning and critical issues as monetarization strategies of developers or toxic behavior of players.
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