Queueing at the Telco Service Edge: Requirements, Challenges and Opportunities
Key: KWM+19
Author: Ralf Kundel, Joerg Wallerich, Wilfried Maas, Leonhard Nobach, Boris Koldehofe, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: December 2019
Kind: In proceedings
Keywords: Service Edge, QoS, Massive Queueing, Hierarchical Schedul- ing, Bufferbloat, Operational Experiences
Abstract: Internet Service Providers (ISP) are challenged by high cost awareness and increasing requirements at the same time. Open and programmable hardware, driven by the P4-pro- gramming language, enables new possibilities regarding packet header processing on switches. Focusing on data cen- ter requirements only, these devices currently do not fulfill all packet queueing requirements of large scale ISPs. In this work we give insights in ISP access networks and specify the resulting queueing demands and required features of future data plane hardware. In addition, we present results of a real world measurement that contributes to a deeper understand- ing of the queueing requirements in access networks. Last, the potential and importance of active queue management and flexible programmable schedulers are highlighted.
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