Towards Improving Privacy and Security in Context-Aware Workplace-Embedded E-Learning Environments through Data Obfuscation
Key: LGF07-1
Author: Robert Lokaiczyk, Manuel Görtz, Andreas Faatz
Date: January 2007
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Volker Dötsch, Klaus Hering, Florian Schaar
Book title: Flexibel integrierbares e-Learning - Nahe Zukunft oder Utopie? Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Learning 2007
Keywords: e-Learning APOSDLE 2007 obfuscation context myOwn SAP
Abstract: Following the idea of life-long learning in a corporate environment, e-learning systems which integrate both learning and working become popular. The objective of this novel e-learning paradigm is to educate the learner, in our case the knowledge worker, during the actual work process just-in-time when further learning is necessary to fulfill a certain work task. Decisive for the determination of appropriate learning resources in a certain work situation is the user’s work context. To deliver helpful and suitable learning material in forms of documents or precedingly generated multimedia courses to the learner, the e-learning environment strongly has to take the learner’s work task, his competencies, his preferences and his history into account. This contribution introduces a mean for solving a sum of privacy and security concerns in context-aware informal e-learning environments while collecting the learner’s essential context information. We apply an instance of data obfuscation algorithms, that assures the privacy and security of sensitive context information. Furthermore we show that context-adaptive processing is still possible on this obfuscated context data. Consequently, this paper is a first step to bring attendance to this previously neglected problem and will be an important step towards a higher user acceptance of context-aware e-learning systems in a corporate environment.

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