Decentralized Resource Allocation in Mobile Networks | |
Key: | LRF+17-2 |
Author: | Patrick Lieser, Nils Richerzhagen, Tim Feuerbach, The An Binh Nguyen, Björn Richerzhagen, Doreen Böhnstedt, Ralf Steinmetz |
Date: | October 2017 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | IEEE |
Book title: | Demonstrations of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN Demonstrations) |
Keywords: | B1E |
Abstract: | Mobile devices are powerful tools for maintaining communication following disasters that affect critical infrastructure. In those post-disaster conditions, ubiquitous mobile devices can be used to establish basic ad-hoc communication in order to aid first responders or to organize volunteers. However, the energy of mobile devices is limited, and therefore the runtime of such networks is often insufficient to support the communication demand following a disaster. In this demonstration, we showcase the concept of the decentralized resource allocation in post-disaster mobile ad-hoc networks. Considering energy resources (e.g. car batteries, solar panels etc.) to prolong functioning of basic post disaster communication services, several cooperative resource allocation strategies are proposed as detailed in our accompanying conference paper [1]. Attendees can observe the behavior of mobile nodes competing for resources in an interactive simulation-based demonstration. By selecting allocation strategies and influencing the placement of resources and mobility of nodes, attendees can observe the effect of the different allocation strategies. In the demonstration the status of the mobile nodes and their actions to allocate resources are shown through live plots of relevant metrics. |
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