Rechte, Benutzerrollen und Inhaltsversionierung für verteilte Multimedia-Autorensysteme
Key: Lie01-1
Author: Michael Liepert
Date: December 2001
Kind: @phdthesis
Abstract: </SPAN> <BR> </P> <P>Systems like news-on-demand-systems and interactive learning applications based on digital multimedia data are getting increasingly large. The enormous effort to generate, manage and integrate these digital media to form complete applications needs the collaboration of many authors and editors. Their coordination is becoming a bottle-neck for these applications. The thesis shows, that relevant multimedia-specific problems are unsolved for such applications, especially concerning content versioning, access rights management and support for multimedia-specific user roles. The thesis prototypically presents an approach to address the needs of large multimedia applications. For the three identified problem fields it realizes a solution and integrates those into the chosen approach.

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