Unsupervised Acquisition of Desktop Application Taxonomies
Key: Lok08-1
Author: Robert Lokaiczyk
Date: July 2008
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008, Santander, Spain
Keywords: 2008 APOSDLE SAP context e-learning lang:en lokaiczyk myOwn shortPaper
Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for automatically extracting taxonomies of desktop applications from descriptive eventlogs, unobtrusively collected from the user’s computational environment. By using a linguistically-inspired clustering technique on application transitions we are able to generate groups of applications that are similar towards their purpose. Attributing the application category (e.g. office application) to a a desktop application in an unsupervised manner without manual user engagement yields advantages in many different application areas such as process-oriented workplace-embedded (e-)learning systems or performance management and evaluation.

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