ContextAggregator: A heuristic-based approach for automated feature construction and selection
Key: Lok08-2
Author: Robert Lokaiczyk, Manuel Görtz
Date: July 2008
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IOS Press
Book title: Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
Keywords: 2008 APOSDLE SAP context lang:en learning machine myOwn shortPaper
Abstract: Our research goal is to work towards a personal contextaware assistance and retrieval of relevant resources to computer users during a certain work task. This paper presents a general-purpose, algorithmic approach for automated context aggregation by heuristicbased feature construction. Our implementation of the context reasoning layer combines lower-level context features to new aggregated higher-level context features. Our approach allows – in contrast to most other approaches – an automated feature combination to achieve a high prediction accuracy of the user’s work task.

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