Research Challenges in QoS Routing
Key: MBMDP+06-1
Author: X. Masip-Bruin, M.Yannuzzi, J. Domingo-Pascual, A. Fonte, M. Curado, E. Monteiro, F. Kuipers, P. Van Mieghem, S. Avallone, G. Ventre, P. Aranda-Gutierrez, Matthias Hollick, Ralf Steinmetz, L. Iannone, K. Salamatian
Date: March 2006
Kind: @article
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Quality of Service Routing is at present an active and remarkable research area, since most emerging network services require specialized Quality of Service (QoS) functionalities that cannot be provided by the current QoS-unaware routing protocols. The provisioning of QoS based network services is in general terms an extremely complex problem, and a significant part of this complexity lies in the routing layer. Indeed, the problem of QoS Routing with multiple additive constraints is known to be NP-hard. Thus, a successful and wide deployment of the most novel network services demands that we thoroughly understand the essence of QoS Routing dynamics, and also that the proposed solutions to this complex problem should be indeed feasible and affordable. This article surveys the most important open issues in terms of QoS Routing, and also briefly presents some of the most compelling proposals and ongoing research efforts done both inside and outside the E-Next Community to address some of those issues.

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