Requirements and an Architecture for a Multimedia Content Re-purposing Framework
Key: MHRS06-1
Author: Marek Meyer, Tomas Hildebrandt, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: October 2006
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Book title: First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - EC-TEL 2006
Abstract: Production of Learning Resources is very expensive. Hence re-use is a common way to lower these costs. In contrary to a re-use "as is" re-purposing means to transform a Learning Resource to suit a new learning or teaching context. We consider re-purposing to be a promising approach to improve the re-use of Learning Resources. As a basis for re-purposing tools, a re-purposing framework shall provide fundamental functionality in order to facilitate the development of re-purposing tools. This paper analyzes the requirements for such a framework, proposes an actual architecture and presents the current state of the implementation.

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