Authoring of Serious Games for Education
Key: MRG13-1
Author: Florian Mehm, Christian Reuter, Stefan Göbel
Date: May 2013
Kind: @incollection
Publisher: IGI Global
Book title: Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare
Abstract: Serious Games (SG) place requirements on all members of a development team, from the designers and domain experts to artists and programmers. In order to support the collaborative work required in serious game production, authoring tools can be introduced in the development process. They allow members of the team to work in one common environment and to have one uniform vision of the project, as opposed to a work environment in which each group uses some software tools exclusively and multiple visions of the finished game do exist simultaneously. Presenting a range of examples including the authoring framework StoryTec, the use of authoring tools for the development of SG is explained in this chapter.
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