An Approach to Support Mobile QoS in an Integrated Services Packet Network
Key: PBWS99-1
Author: Ana Pajares, Nicole Berier, Lars Wolf, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: April 1999
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: First Workshop on IP Quality of Service for Wireless and Mobile Networks (IQWiM'99), Aachen, Germany
Abstract: This paper introduces a new approach to support mobile nodes in an Integrated Services Packet Network. As concept of mobility, we a ssume that mobile hosts move from one cell to another setting up a cont inuous path from their initial position to their final destination. In this way, they can foresee the set of locations they will visit and how long it will take them to pass from one region to another. In this scenario, we analyze why immed iate reservations are not enough to provide overall QoS guarantees and, therefor e, reservations in advance have to be considered. Finally, we introduce a new protocol, the Mobile QoS Protocol (MQoSP), which allows the home agent to establish reservations in the fixed network on behalf of the mobile node.

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