Optimization of the Min-plus Convolution Computation under Network Calculus Constraints
Key: PKSS04-1
Author: Krishna Pandit, Claus Kirchner, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: June 2004
Kind: @techreport
Abstract: Network Calculus is a system theory for deterministic queueing systems. The min-plus convolution is an operation that is used for computations in Network Calculus. But until now there are few results on computing this convolution efficiently. Being able to do this is of great importance in order to make the application of Network Calculus more widespread. Therefore, this issue is targeted in this report. We give a brief overview over the basics of Network Calculus, introducing some basic operations in the min-plus algebra. Then transforms used to compute the classical convolution in the usual algebra are reviewed and basic results are listed. In the following we attempt to derive similar results for the min-plus convolution. We make use of the Fenchel transform, a tool used in convex analysis. Finally, we make use of the property, that in Network Calculus one usually deals with piecewise linear functions. For convex functions good results exist. Since there are very few results in the nonconvex case, we first analyse these by a brute force method, before pointing out the general equation for a certain type of functions, which are often encountered in Network Calculus.
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