MoVeNet: Mobility Management for Vehicular Networking | |
Key: | RAB+16-1 |
Author: | Tobias Rückelt, Halis Altug, Daniel Burgstahler, Doreen Böhnstedt, Ralf Steinmetz |
Date: | November 2016 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | ACM |
Book title: | Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWAC 16) |
Abstract: | Vehicle Internet access benefits from using heterogeneous multiprovider networks. However, such access suffers significantly from insufficient handover processes. Due to high vehicle speeds, handover happens frequently and is substantially impaired by high handover delays. To solve correlated issues, we propose MoVeNet, a client-controlled, distributed mobility management approach with three substantial characteristics. Firstly, it pools parallel resources of wireless multi-provider networks for efficient common use. Secondly, MoVeNet reduces overhead for mobility management due to publish-subscribe methods. Thirdly, it provides a low-latency option for critical data flows, which enables flow-wise trade-off between latency and overhead. The architecture splits control from data, introducing lightweight Data Agents, which provide protocol transparency towards communication partners. Data Agents are located near the optimal route to provide low-latency packet routes. Moreover, MoVeNet introduces a Control Agent, which offloads communication-intensive tasks from the mobile node to reduce signaling overhead. The result solves deficiencies of related approaches and satisfies typical requirements of modern mobility management protocols. As shown by simulation, MoVeNet reaches excellent handover performance even for the harsh environment of the connected vehicle scenario. |
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