A Collection of Collaborative Player Interaction Patterns
Key: RGS14-1
Author: Christian Reuter, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: February 2014
Kind: @techreport
Keywords: multiplayer, collaborative, cooperative, game design patterns, player interactions
Abstract: It has been shown that collaborative games, i.e. games where players work together to reach a common goal, can have positive effects on their social skills and ability to work in teams. They also offer the potential for collaborative learning, which has additional benefits compared to learning alone. Aside from these more serious aspects these kind of games have also become very popular over the past few years for players and game developers alike. However, collaborative games must be well-designed in order to be engaging. There are lots of examples where the collaboration can be described as superficial, with players only interacting with each other occasionally. We want to address this situation by extracting player interaction patterns from well-received games, which can then serve as guidelines when designing and developing collabovarive games. The main focus of this report is to collect all patterns we discovered in one location for future references.
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