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Publish-Subscribe-Based Control Mechanism for Scheduling Integration in Mobile IPv6 | |
Key: | RJB+15-1 |
Author: | Tobias Rückelt, Florian Jomrich, Daniel Burgstahler, Doreen Böhnstedt, Ralf Steinmetz |
Date: | October 2015 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | IEEE |
Book title: | In: Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) |
Abstract: | Currently discussed handover protocols do not pro- vide the means to allow holistic flow handover scheduling. However, flow scheduling leads to a performance boost resulting from efficient parallel network use and a match of network characteristics to application requirements. Mobile IPv6 with flow binding extension and route optimization fulfills most requirements. However, control data is redundantly transmitted to every communication partner. This forbids coordination of parallel data flows and, therefore, scheduling. We introduce a new publish-subscribe-based control data rout- ing which makes Mobile IPv6 compatible with centralized flow scheduling and furthermore reduces overhead via the wireless channels. The result offloads computationally intensive tasks of scheduling to servers in the Internet and moves handover control to the same. The resulting handover protocol is an enabler for client-centric scheduling and paves the way towards this promising topic. |
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