A context aware learning application for communities of service technicians
Key: Ren16-1
Author: Christoph Rensing
Date: July 2016
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE CPS
Book title: Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Advancing Learning Technologies (ICALT)
Abstract: The gathering of knowledge and competences needed to accomplish work related tasks is carried out in several ways. It can be done, planned in the long term to brace oneself for a new area of responsibility or in the short term to prepare for a concrete forthcoming task or while working on a task. The latter two happen quite often at the workplace. In this paper, we present a context aware mobile application supporting workplace learning of service technicians working at different locations including customer service. The originality of the presented application lies in the combination of the question & answering concept with the microlearning concept and in the context awareness of the application. A comprehensive evaluation of the application shows the positive appreciation of the application within the target group of mobile technicians.
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