Implementing and evaluating the Common Information Model in a relational and RDF-based Database
Key: SBSU07-1
Author: Stefan Schulte, Rainer Berbner, Ralf Steinmetz, Mathias Uslar
Date: March 2007
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer
Book title: Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering, ITEE 2007 - Third International ICSC Symposium
Keywords: Common Information Model, CIM/XML, RDF, power system data exchange, energy management systems
Abstract: During the last decade, the Common Information Model (CIM) has evolved to an extensive ontology for the domain of energy markets. As the CIM does only offer an UML model for the implementation of its ob-jects, an ER model or relational database schema has not been released. Therefore, it is necessary to create a CIM based database schema in order to persist CIM data in a relational database. This schema could either be constructed based on the former mentioned UML model as a relational da-tabase schema or based on an already existing RDF/XML serialization of CIM as an RDF database. This paper evaluates these two implementations of the CIM.

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