BlockTree: Location-Aware Decentralized Monitoring in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Key: SGN+13-1
Author: Dominik Stingl, Christian Gross, Leonhard Nobach, Ralf Steinmetz, David Hausheer
Date: October 2013
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Book title: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
Keywords: mobile ad hoc networks; decentralized monitoring; data collection; aggregation; location-awareness
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) represent a crucial alternative to deploy applications in urban areas. In those networks, it is inevitable that all nodes are aware of the current system state to adapt their behavior according to the varying conditions. However, existing decentralized monitoring solutions for MANETs only locate the required information at a set of nodes, which are in charge of serving the remaining network, while the availability of information depends on the accessibility of those nodes. To avoid these limitations, BlockTree is a novel, fully decentralized monitoring approach for MANETs that leverages each node’s resources to capture and distribute the system state to all nodes. Exploiting its hierarchical structure, BlockTree introduces the concept of location-aware monitoring delivering detailed as well as aggregated information. Through robust communication paired with the stateless design, BlockTree provides accurate results in the presence of fast moving nodes or over an error-prone communication medium.
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