A Literature Review on the Design of Enterprise Crowdsourcing Platforms
Key: SIBR17-1
Author: Steffen Schnitzer, Nihal Islam, Christian Borg-Krebs, Christoph Rensing
Date: December 2017
Kind: @techreport
Abstract: Crowdsourcing enables employers to outsource small tasks to an anonymous crowd over the internet. It is used for funding, generating new ideas, rating products, and also to outsource personnel resource consuming tasks. Enterprises that use such crowdsourcing process have found it beneficial for some tasks to restrict access to employees only. Therefore, enterprises require crowdsourcing platforms, to enable this kind of internal task processing. This paper explores the requirements for such processes by evaluating the scientific state of the art on enterprise crowdsourcing platforms. A structured literature review is presented with a focus on "enterprise crowdsourcing", which gives insights on scenarios and models, as well as elements and instruments of such platforms, leading to a refined model of enterprise crowdsourcing platforms.
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