The Evaluation of Learner Experience in Serious Games
Key: SKG17-1
Author: Laila Shoukry, Johannes Konert, Stefan Goebel
Date: February 2018
Kind: @incollection
Publisher: IGI Global
Book title: Learner Experience and Usability in Online Education
Abstract: In this chapter, the topic of evaluating learner experience in Serious Games is discussed with respect to four different dimensions: Gaming, Learning, Using and Context with a special focus on using multimodal data. After reviewing relevant research fields, the steps involved in a serious games evaluation process are investigated and relevant evaluation studies are reviewed with emphasis on the use of different modalities for recording and assessing in-game interactions. Finally, a theoretical framework (LeGUC) is proposed defining parameters related to the four dimensions discussed which can be observed during evaluation studies of Serious Games and how they relate to logged in-game interactions. The framework is based on relevant literature as well as a conducted observational user study.
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