The Virtual Assistant: Framework and Algorithms for User-Adaptive Communication Management
Key: SKHS07-1
Author: Johannes Schmitt, Matthias Kropff, Matthias Hollick, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: December 2007
Kind: @techreport
Keywords: Context, Communication, Service, Learning, Adaptive, Sensor
Abstract: Today, a plethora of communication technologies promises ubiquitous connectivity. Aspects such as communication management and service control are crucial for efficient and productive usage of the existing communication services. However, the burden of complex configuration and parameterization of these aspects is typically left to the end user. We introduce the virtual assistant, which aids the end user to manage his diverse communication needs in a technological environment characterized by heterogeneity and dynamics. We thoroughly discuss the requirements for a virtual assistant that adapts to the communication behavior of the end user and propose a context-aware architecture to implement this service. While our architecture is generic, we here instantiate it for the special case of ubiquitous communications. Our architecture applies methods from the area of machine learning. This paper lays special emphasis on the selection of appropriate learning algorithms. We further discuss the necessary building blocks to support heterogeneous and dynamic communication systems. In particular, we discuss the aspect of semantic sensor discovery for the context determination. As a proof-of-concept, our architecture has been implemented in a real world communication system.
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