Mobi-G: Gossip-based Monitoring in MANETs
Key: SRR+14-1
Author: Dominik Stingl, Reimond Retz, Björn Richerzhagen, Christian Gross, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: May 2014
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE
Book title: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)
Keywords: mobile ad hoc networks; gossip-based monitoring; aggregation; mass conservation, B1E, C2, C3
Abstract: Monitoring in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) constitutes a crucial service, as it enables the adaptation to the changing conditions in those networks based on the monitored state. The majority of monitoring mechanisms rely on a hierarchical structure, which must be maintained and suffers from sparsely populated networks, where the hierarchy might not be correctly established. Contrary to this structured design, other mechanisms rely on a simple, flat topology using gossiping to aggregate information. However, current gossip-based approaches provide inaccurate results, since they cannot handle the characteristics of MANETs. To overcome these problems and to exploit the flat topology and the robust communication pattern for accurate monitoring of MANETs, this paper introduces Mobi-G. Mobi-G is a flat approach that gossips to exchange information instead of aggregating them. It consists of a flexible protocol that exploits the characteristics of wireless communication, handles the mobility of nodes, and operates even in sparsely populated networks to provide accurate and fresh results at minimum cost.
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