Pre-MEGa: A Proposed Framework for the Design and Evaluation of Preschoolers' Mobile Educational Games.
Key: SSG12-1
Author: Laila Shoukry, Christian Sturm, Galal H. Galal-Edeen
Date: December 2012
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Book title: Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Abstract: With the spread of mobile games targeting preschoolers there is an increased need for the creation of high-quality, research-based content for this age group. But how can “quality” be defined here? To answer this question, an extensive review of literature and available rating systems was needed which resulted in a detailed set of attributes which constitute a fun, usable, beneficial and, above all, successful mobile learning game targeting preschoolers. This framework (Pre-MEGa) is presented in this paper with the aim of facilitating the process of translating research into concrete, measurable characteristics for designing and evaluating this type of software.
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