Dinohunter : Game Based Learn Experience in Museums
Key: SaS03-1
Author: Sebastian Sauer and Stefan Göbel
Date: January 2003
Kind: @conference
Book title: ICHIM Paris 2003. Proceedings. CD-ROM
Keywords: Multimodal user interfaces, Interactive digital storytelling, Mixed realities, Edutainment applications, Mobile devices
Abstract: In this paper, we describe a suspenseful experience and learning environment that aims the transmission of knowledge within a game-based and mixed reality application in the museums context. Individual learning processes are combined within communication processes and collaborative user experiences. Within the scenario of DinoHunter the users will be introduced into the scientific field of paleontology though various application fields are possible. The multiplayer game is applied to a museum and combines mobile components like PDAs or TabletPCs, stationary information kiosk systems, Desktop PCs and location technologies. DinoHunter is based on the ion2s - fact-based User Interface Design Methods for integrated Media Systems, especially "Kids Innovation" (ion2s) and on Interactive Storytelling technologies (ZGDV e.V.).

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