Edutainment Environments. A Field Report on DinoHunter: Technologies, Methods and Evaluation Results
Key: Saa+04-1
Author: Sebastian Sauer, Kerstin Osswald, Stefan Göbel, Axel Feix, Rene Zumack and Anja Hoffmann
Date: January 2004
Kind: @conference
Book title: Museums and the Web 2004. Proceedings
Keywords: Animation, Rendering, Museum installations, Edutainment applications, Interaction design, Mobile augmented reality
Abstract: The global aim of DinoHunter is to develop integrated concepts for mobile edutainment applications and knowledge environments. Typical examples for this are interactive scenarios for museums, theme parks, or various kinds of exhibits and trade fairs. From the technical point of view, DinoHunter combines computer graphics technology with interactive storytelling, user interface and user interaction concepts such as Kids Innovation or momuna (mobile museum navigator).

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