Media Art Environment Geist: Integrating Traditional Painting into 3D AR Storytelling Scenario
Key: SaaC04-1
Author: Oliver Schneider, Stefan Göbel and Christian Meyer zu Ermgassen
Date: January 2004
Kind: @conference
Book title: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment
Keywords: Digital storytelling, Edutainment, Applications, Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the results of the evaluation of a Virtual Character, used as a human-like, automated narrator with focus on the signaling of suspenseful situations within stories to the Virtual Narrator's audience. Signaling is done via facial expression and gestures, driven by an underlying story examination mechanism. This mechanism uses an automatic generated story to get points of suspense progression, conflicts between story actors, and the relevance of story fragments. It indicates these points to an expressiveness module, which assigns expressiveness states to the Virtual Narrator.

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