Key: Sch11-3
Author: Philipp Scholl, Andreas Kaminski
Date: November 2011
Kind: @inbook
Publisher: Waxmann
Keywords: Adaptivität, TEL, e-Learning
Abstract: The terms adaptivity resp. adaptive describe a system that can adapt to the changes in its immediate environment. Therefore, adaptivity is a concept that describes processes embedded in a certain context. In its fundamental form, it implies four different dimensions: (i) something adapts to (ii) something else (iii) based on some information (iv) in some respects. Therefore, the following parameters have to be specified in order to describe an adaptive setting: i. Who or what is adapting? A technological system? A biological or social system? ii. What is the target of the adaptation? What are the traits of an environment that is targeted? The same questions as in (i) can be applied, e.g. is it a technological, a biological, an individual or a social environment? iii. How is the adaptation process activated and what information or environmental properties is the adaptation based on? In technical systems, this is often sensor data, in social systems the different modes of interaction between members of a community. iv. What is adapted? Temperature, speed, a financial model or certain traits that allow for survival in a radically changed world? The term adaptivity hence implies processes in a changing environment triggered by certain inputs. A system reacts to these inputs by modifying itself based on its inherent directives.
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