QoS-Based Routing of Multimedia Streams in Computer Networks
Key: VHK+96-1
Author: Ronny Vogel, Ralf G. Herrtwich, Winfried Kalfa, Hartmut Wittig, Lars C. Wolf
Date: September 1996
Kind: @article
Abstract: Continuous media such as audio and video require a certain quality of service (Q oS) when transferred through computer networks. The selection of a network route for a particular media stream should hence take into account which route is bes t-suited for providing this QoS. QoSFinder is a method for QoS-based routing of multimedia streams. It is based on a path vector protocol that takes into accoun t throughput, delay and loss rate of individual route segments. A simulation of QoSFinder shows that its heuristic is superior to metrics that are only based on one of these parameters. QoSFinder increases the probability of finding suitabl e paths through networks for distributed multimedia applications.

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