Evaluation of a CPU Scheduling Mechanism for Multimedia Systems
Key: WBV96-1
Author: Lars C. Wolf, Wolfgang Burke, Carsten Vogt
Date: April 1996
Kind: @article
Abstract: Multimedia applications handling audio and video data have to obey tim e characteristics of these media types. Besides a basic functionality to express time relations, correctness with respect to time constraints requires mechanism s which lead to favored processing of multimedia operations. CPU scheduling tech niques based on the experience from real-time operating systems offer a solution and provide multimedia applications with the ability to meet time-related quali ty of service requirements. This paper discusses mechanisms to express time in m ultimedia systems and describes an implementation of a CPU scheduler designed to run under IBM's UNIX derivate AIX. The evaluation of the implementation based o n measurements shows that the scheduler is able to support the time requirements of multimedia applications and that such mechanisms are indeed necessary since otherwise deadline violations occur.

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