The System Architecture of the Heidelberg Transport System
Key: WH94-1
Author: Lars C. Wolf, Ralf Guido Herrtwich
Date: April 1994
Kind: @article
Abstract: HeiTS, the Heidelberg Transport System, is designed for communication of continuousmedia data. The purpose of HeiTS is the exchange of digital audio a nd video with quality of service guarantees. The system environment of HeiTS has to coordinate real-time and non-real-time functions. Most parts of HeiTS run in user space; it uses some kernel-based mechanisms such as a real-time CPU schedu ler and device drivers. On top of HeiTS exists a control system which allows for the construction of applications controlling continuous-media streams. This pap er describes the architecture of HeiTS and the mechanisms of its system environm ent we have implemented on AIX and OS/2 platforms.

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