Energy-Efficient Mobile P2P Video Streaming (accepted for publication)
Key: WRSS12-1
Author: Matthias Wichtlhuber, Julius Rückert, Dominik Stingl, Matthias Schulz and David Hausheer
Date: September 2012
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: IEEE
Book title: In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing
Abstract: The proliferation of wireless broadband technologies and mobile devices has led to an increase in mobile traffic, especially due to a rapid growth of real-time entertainment such as video streaming on smartphones. Mobile peer-to-peer-based content distribution schemes can help to relieve infrastructure based mobile networks, but require participating nodes to provide resources which can drain their battery. Thus, the goal is to exploit mobile peers’ resources while minimizing and balancing the energy consumption over all participating devices. Simulation models considering energy consumption lack precision, because they abstract away important parts of the hardware. On the other hand, prototypical energy measurements are more precise, but require a time consuming implementation and assessment. To this end, this demo paper presents a mobile P2P video streaming and benchmarking platform which enables to assess and compare the energy consumption of different approaches in a precise manner through live assessments at runtime. The demonstrated platform includes a simple, yet high-performance tree-based mobile P2P streaming overlay which can be utilized to easily implement and assess further streaming overlay approaches.
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