Concepts for Resource Reservation in Advance
Key: WS97-1
Author: Lars Wolf, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: May 1997
Kind: @article
Abstract: Resource management offers Quality-of-Service reliability for t ime-critical continuousmedia applications. Currently, existing resource managem ent systems in the Internet and ATM domain only provide means to reserve resourc es starting with the reservation attempt and lasting for an unspecified duration . However, for several applications such as video conferencing, the ability to r eserve the required resources in advance is of great advantage. This paper outli nes a new model for resource reservation in advance. We identify and discuss iss ues to be resolved for allowing resource reservation in advance. We show how the resource reservation in advance scheme can be embedded in a general architectur e and describe the design and implementation of a resource management system pro viding reservation in advance functionality.

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