Scheduling Mechanisms Reducing Contention Situations in Multimedia Systems
Key: WW96-1
Author: Jörg Werner, Lars C. Wolf
Date: March 1996
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services, Berlin, Germany
Abstract: Multimedia applications have time dependancies and require appropriate resource management and scheduling mechanisms. Additionally, such applic ations have typically large resource requirements, hence, methods to red uce these requirements are desirable. Contention situations occur when the execution of processes overlaps in time. This leads to additional management efforts like context switches and to the increasing demand f or resources like memory space. In this paper we present alternative schedulin g methods suitable for real-time processes in multimedia systems. These methods serialize the execution of processes in order to reduce the occurence of overlap s. On the basis of measurements the described scheduling mechanisms are ev aluated concerning their effectiveness and the required expenses.

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