Exploiting the Fair Share to Smoothly Transport Layered Encoded Video into Proxy Caches
Key: ZGSS01-1
Author: Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: May 2001
Kind: @techreport
Abstract: In contrast to classical assumptions in Video on Demand (VoD) research, the main requirements for VoD in the Internet are adaptiveness, support of heterogeneity, and last not least high scalability. Hierarchically layered video encoding is particularly well suited to deal with adaptiveness and heterogeneity support for video streaming. A distributed caching architecture is key to a scalable VoD solution in the Internet. Thus, the combination of caching and layered video streaming is promising for an Internet VoD system, yet, requires thoughts about some new issues and challenges, e.g., how to keep layered transmissions TCP-friendly. In this paper, we investigate one particular of these issues: how can a TCP-friendly transmission exploit its fair share of network resources taking into account that the constrained granularity of layer encoded video inhibits an exact adaptation to actual transmission rates. We present a new technique that makes use of retransmissions of missing segments for a cached layered video to claim the fair share within a TCP-friendly session. Based on simulative experiments the potential and applicability of the technique, which we also call fair share claiming is shown. Moreover, a design for the integration of fair share claiming in streaming applications which are supported by caching is devised.

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