Making Expert Knowledge of Adaptations of E-Learning Material Available with Patterns
Key: ZRS07-1
Author: Birgit Zimmermann, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: September 2007
Kind: @conference
Book title: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management
Keywords: Knowledge Transfer, Patterns, Adaptation, Re-Purposing, Re-Use
Abstract: Adapting E-Learning material allows re-using existing material even in changed usage scenarios. But this adaptation is a complex task. To achieve a perfect result expert knowledge is needed. Often adaptations have to be performed by persons who are not experts in performing these tasks. To enable those persons to achieve a satisfying result they need to be supported. Patterns are one possibility to make expert knowledge on certain tasks available to other persons. In this paper an approach is presented how expert knowledge of performing adaptations of existing E-Learning material can be collected and made available with patterns. This approach can also be used to collect knowledge of other processes, e.g. in companies.

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