Experiences in Using Patterns to Support Process Experts in Wizard Creation
Key: ZRS08-1
Author: Birgit Zimmermann, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: July 2008
Kind: @conference
Book title: Accepted for publication in proceedings of EuroPLoP 2008
Abstract: Users of software often complain that many software solutions only insufficiently support them in solving their problems and performing their tasks. This phenomenon occurs with all kinds of software. It can also be seen at tools that are especially developed to support users in performing specific tasks. Working on a tool supporting users in performing so called adaptation processes we found the same problem. To offer the needed tool support we created a wizard based on patterns describing the adaptation processes. This paper presents our experiences with this approach. We explain the approach in general and use adaptation processes as running example to clarify how the approach works. The next chapter gives an introduction to our example scenario.

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