Privacy Issues when Rolling out an E-Learning Solution
Key: Zin08-2
Author: Andreas Zinnen, Andreas Faatz, Eicke Godehardt, Manuel Görtz, Robert Lokaiczyk
Date: July 2008
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 2008, Vienna, Austria
Keywords: 2008 APOSDLE SAP context e-learning lang:en myOwn
Abstract: This paper describes privacy issues while rolling out an socio-technical solution into small or medium enterprises (SMEs) or departments of a global (European) company. We will use an e-Learning system as an exemplary system. The solution delivers relevant knowledge artefacts to workers so that they can learn from them effectively within their work processes. In order to select those knowledge artefacts, the system accesses and stores privacy critical information like users’ competencies, performed tasks or social contacts. In consultation with several companies’ departments of Works Council, Corporate Legal and Data Protection & Privacy Office a privacy policy was specified to fulfil the seven principles Notice, Purpose, Consent, Security, Disclosure, Access and Accountability as stated in OECD’s recommendations for protection of personal data and in directive 95/46/EC on the protection of personal data. Instead of claiming to be complete, this paper addresses the privacy basics which might be slightly different in another use case depending on boundary conditions of the company or country. The integration of mechanisms to comply with the privacy rules is often neglected in research projects. However, these should be considered while designing research prototypes used for evaluation within real working environments.

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