Dr.-Ing. Julian Zobel

work +49 6151 16-20495
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Julian Zobel

Short Bio

Julian studied computer science at TU Darmstadt. From late 2018 to 2022, he was working as a research assistant in the research group "Adaptive Communication Systems" at KOM. Since finishing his PhD thesis focused on autonomous applications of aerial communication networks in disaster situations, Julian pursues his research interests on distributed and infrastructure-independent communication networks, aerial communication support, and aerial network monitoring as a postdoc researcher at KOM. 



  • Julian Zobel and Ralf Steinmetz. "Enabling Information Transmission in Low-Throughput Wireless Channels for Aerial Disaster Monitoring Systems." In: Proc. ISCRAM 2024.
  • Dirk Zeuss et al. "Nature 4.0: A networked sensor system for integrated biodiversity monitoring." In: Global Change Biology, 2024.
  • Julian Zobel. "Aerial Network Assistance Systems for Post-Disaster Scenarios — Topology Monitoring and Communication Support in Infrastructure-Independent Networks". Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2023.
  • Julian Zobel, Paul Frommelt, Lukas Laufenberg, Régis Fayard, Lukas Wehrstein, Ralf Kundel, Ralf Steinmetz. "LoRaMeter: Signal Mapping in LoRa Networks." In: Proc. SoftCOM 2023.
  • Julian Zobel, Ralf Kundel, and Ralf Steinmetz. "CAMON: Aerial-Ground Cooperation System for Disaster Network Detection."   In: Proc. ISCRAM 2022.
  • Pegah Golchin, Leonard Anderweit, Julian Zobel, Ralf Kundel, Ralf Steinmetz. "In-Network SYN Flooding DDoS Attack Detection Utilizing P4 Switches." In: 3rd KuVS Fachgespräch "Network Softwarization", 2022.
  • Julian Zobel, Niklas Stöhr, Ralf Kundel, Patrick Lieser, and Ralf Steinmetz. "Dynamic Monitoring Area Allocation for Aerial Post-Disaster Situation Monitoring."   In: Proc. NetSys 2021.
  • Julian Zobel, Tobias Meuser, and Ralf Steinmetz. "Calling Ground Support: Cooperative DTNs for Improved Aerial Monitoring Systems."   In: Proc. GHTC 2021.
  • Julian Zobel, Patrick Lieser, Tobias Meuser, Lars Baumgärtner, Mira Mezini, and Ralf Steinmetz. "Modeling Civilian Mobility in Large-Scale Disasters."   In: Proc. ISCRAM 2021.
  • Julian Zobel, Paul Frommelt, Patrick Lieser, Jonas Höchst,Patrick Lampe, Bernd Freisleben, Ralf Steinmetz. "Energy-efficient Mobile Sensor Data Offloading via WiFi using LoRa-based Connectivity Estimations."   ComputerScience4BioDiversity, INFORMATIK 2021, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI).
  • Ralf Kundel, Paul Stiegele, Dat Tran, Julian Zobel, Osama Abboud, Rhaban Hark, Ralf Steinmetz. "User Space Packet Schedulers: Towards Rapid Prototyping of Queue-Management Algorithms."   In: Proc. NetSys 2021.
  • Jakob Karg, Julian Zobel, Bruno Sousa, Steffen Bamfaste, Giulio Pinzan, Artur Scholz. "Cluster-II: A Recommendation System for Semi-Automated Scheduling of Ground Station Passes". In: Proc. SpaceOps 2021.
  • Jonas Höchst, Jannis Gottwald, Patrick Lampe, Julian Zobel, Thomas Nauss, Ralf Steinmetz, Bernd Freisleben. "tRackIT OS: Open-source Software for Reliable VHF Wildlife Tracking."   ComputerScience4BioDiversity, INFORMATIK 2021, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI).
  • Julian Zobel, Benjamin Becker, Ralf Kundel, Patrick Lieser, and Ralf Steinmetz. "Topology-aware Path Planning for In-Transit Coverage of Aerial Post-Disaster Communication Assistance Systems."   In: Proc. IEEE LCN 2020.
  • Julian Zobel, Patrick Lieser, Bastian Drescher, Bernd Freisleben, and Ralf Steinmetz. "Optimizing Inter-Cluster Flights of Post-Disaster Communication Support UAVs."   In: Proc. IEEE LCN 2019.
  • Patrick Lieser, Julian Zobel, Björn Richerzhagen, and Ralf Steinmetz."Simulation Platform for Unmanned Aerial Systems in Emergency Ad Hoc Networks."  In: Proc. ISCRAM 2019.
  • Julian Zobel, Patrick Lieser and Ralf Steinmetz."Multi-Strategy Simulation of Aerial Post-Disaster Ad Hoc Communication Support Systems."  In: Proc. IEEE LCN Demonstrations 2019.
  • Lars Baumgärtner, Patrick Lieser, Julian Zobel, Bastian Blössl, Ralf Steinmetz, and Mira Mezini "LoRaAgent: A DTN-based Location-aware Communication System using LoRa"   In: Proc. GHTC 2020.
  • Björn Richerzhagen, Nils Richerzhagen, Julian Zobel, Sophie Schönherr, Boris Koldehofe, and Ralf Steinmetz. "Seamless Transitions Between Filter Schemes for Location-based Mobile Applications."  In: Proc. IEEE LCN. Nov. 2016, pp. 1–9.


Teaching Activities

I am always looking for students interested in writing their Bachelor's or Master's Thesis in the field of adaptive aerial communication systems and infrastructure-less communication networks. A list of currently open topics is published here. If you have an idea for a thesis that is not covered in the list, do not hesitate to contact me directly.


Supervised Theses

Student Topic Type
Konrad Altenhofen Network Resilience through Dynamic Routing with Disjoint Paths MA
Paul Frommelt Testbed for Time-Critical Wireless Sensor Networks (co-supervision with Benjamin Becker) MA
Levent Görgü Adaptive Application of UAVs in Highly Dynamic Disaster Network Topologies MA
Simon Gütthoff Cooperative Network Topology Monitoring in UAV-Supported Post-Disaster Ad Hoc Networks MA
Patrick van Halem Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Asynchronous
Traffic Shaping on Real-Time Processors (co-supervision with Christoph Gärtner)
Benjamin Heinz Low-Power Long-Range Multi-Hop Relay Communication Protocols for Emergency Crisis Communication MA
Jakob Karg A Recommendation System for Semi-Automated Scheduling of Ground Station Passes, KOM Award Best Masterthesis 2019 MA
Ivan Rubinskii Applying autonomous UAV systems with uncertain and deprecated information. MA
Muhammad Farhan Sarwar Testbed for Time-Critical Wireless Sensor Networks (co-supervision with Benjamin Becker) MA
Bastian Drescher Optimierung von Nachrichten- und Datentransport durch Unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme StA
Niklas Stöhr Concepts for Territorial Allocation and Route Calculations for UAVs in Aerial Topology Monitoring Systems StA
Ihsen Bouallegue Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Data Channel for UAVs using LoRa Technology BA
Enrico Chies Arduino DTN Bundle Protocol on ESP32 BA
Inga Dischinger Prototype System for Adaptive Self-Regulating LoRa Networks BA
Paul Frommelt Prototype System for Energy-Efficient Mobile Data Offloading in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks BA
Henry Kalff Processing and Transmission of Network Topology Data in Aerial Monitoring Systems for Disaster Situations BA
Louis Neumann Strategies for MANET Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Sebastian Perle Simulative Comparison of Cluster Detection Approaches on Topology Data for Aerial Post-Disaster Communication Assistance Systems BA
Yashita Saxena Design and Assessment of UAV Movement Models for Simulative Evaluation BA
Jan Uhlig Strategy Transitions in Autonomous Aerial Systems for Post-Disaster Communication Support BA
Tobias Faschingbauer Modelling UAV Flight Properties based on Real-world Flight Sensor Measurements BA
Patrick Pascal Wagner Optimierung der Gebietszuweisung für Unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge in nichtkonvexen Beobachtungsgebieten BA
Lukas Wehrstein Modular Energy-Aware Simulation Environment for Wireless Sensor Network Evaluation, KOM Award Best Bachelorthesis 2022 BA



Offene Abschlussarbeiten

In the face of natural disasters or crises, communication networks play a vital role in ensuring efficient disaster management and mitigation. However, the fragility of individual communication technologies and networks during such events often disrupts critical information flow, posing significant challenges for response teams and affected communities.

The emergenCity center addresses this critical need by investigating how individual communication networks can be made more resilient to form a cohesive and robust "disaster network." While advancements in individual network resilience are vital, the key challenge lies in enabling these independent networks to collaborate and function as a complex network of networks. Due to the potentially highly different capabilities and properties of different networks, their partial availability, and lack of a global information state, routing decisions cannot always be optimal or pre-calculated.

This thesis aims to address these challenges by combining theoretical analysis, modeling, and simulations to explore how various network types — e.g., IoT networks, satellite networks, or UAV-based networks — can be combined by using resilient routing decisions based on limited or error-prone information.

This thesis will:

  • Explore state-of-the-art research literature and the requirement space
  • Design and validate approaches for complex decision-making within packet routing in Disruption-Tolerant Networks
  • Implementation and simulative evaluation of approaches and comparison against baseline approaches, considering varying network configurations, communication links, topologies, and more
  • Explore the impact of routing decisions within the disaster network of networks, analyzing resilience, tradeoffs, and the influence of imperfect information

The outcomes of this thesis will provide valuable insights into designing a resilient communication framework capable of sustaining connectivity during crises, contributing to emergenCity’s goals of disaster resilience in complex crises.



  • Good programming skills in Python or other OOPLs
  • Knowledge of (wireless) communication networks, wireless routing protocols
  • Knowledge on Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) is not required but will be learned
  • Basic knowledge in simulations and modeling, LaTeX, Git, data analysis is helpful but not required and will be learned