Conducting a Large-scale Field Test of a Smartphone-based Communication Network for Emergency Response
Key: AAL+18-1
Author: Flor Alvarez, Lars Almon, Patrick Lieser, Tobias Meuser, Yannick Dylla, Björn Richerzhagen, Matthias Hollick, Ralf Steinmetz
Date: November 2018
Kind: In proceedings
Book title: ACM CHANTS
Abstract: Smartphone-based communication networks form a basis for services in emergency response scenarios, where communication infrastructure is impaired or overloaded. Still, their design and evaluation are largely based on simulations that rely on generic mobility models and weak assumptions regarding user behavior. For a realistic assessment, scenario-specific models are essential. To this end, we conducted a large-scale field test of a set of emergency services that relied solely on ad hoc communication. Over the course of one day, we gathered data from smartphones distributed to 125 participants in a scripted disaster event. In this paper, we present the scenario, measurement methodology, and a first analysis of the data. Our work provides the first trace combining user interaction, mobility, and additional sensor readings of a large-scale emergency response scenario, facilitating future research.
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