Rock beats Scissor: SVM based gesture recognition with data gloves | |
Key: | AMW+21-1 |
Author: | Philipp Achenbach, Philipp Müller, Tobias Wach, Thomas Tregel, Stefan Göbel |
Date: | March 2021 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Book title: | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops) |
Abstract: | Hand gestures play an important role in human communication, particularly when auditory communication is limited. Akin to speech recognition, hand gesture recognition can therefore be a useful tool to facilitate communication and for more immersive computer interaction. In this paper, we examine the mobile recognition of hand gestures using data recorded with sensor gloves. We design a system based on Support Vector Machines (SVM), capable of recognizing 5 different hand gestures. In an experiment with 11 participants, we determine applicable hyperparameters based on performance on the training set which translates into 100% classification accuracy on the test set. In an additional practical experiment with 9 participants, our system achieves up to 98% in a personalized and up to 87.5% in a generalized model setting. |
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