Unsupervised Query-based Document Recommendation Using Deep Learning
Key: ASSR19-1
Author: Wael Alkhatib, Steffen Schnitzer, Tim Steuer, Christoph Rensing
Date: April 2019
Kind: @article
Publisher: Springer
Book title: 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (accepted for publication)
Keywords: content-based recommender system; word embbedings; deep learning; DSSM; ontologies
Abstract: Traditional recommender systems, which aim to recommend documents, rely on statistical information only (collaborative filtering approaches) or on meta-information describing the user profile, the documents as well as their relations. They poorly consider the text semantics and often suffer from homophily by recommending documents which are similar to the documents already acquired by the user. In this work, we propose an unsupervised query-based recommender system for the recommendation of textual documents. The system relies on Deep Semantic Similarity Model (DSSM) to implicitly measure the semantic similarity between the user’s interest, represented the user’s history or interests as a query of keywords, and the available documents. Our approach uses an automatically generated ontology. This ontology is used to formulate the queries and to interpret the semantic relatedness between user preferences in the user model and the concepts representing the documents. The experimental results show that our system significantly outperforms the baseline in terms of FScore.

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