Increasing Network Resilience Through Dynamic Routing with Disjoint Paths | |
Key: | AZS24-1 |
Author: | Konrad Altenhofen, Julian Zobel, Björn Scheuermann |
Date: | June 2024 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Publisher: | IEEE |
Book title: | Proceedings of the 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) |
Keywords: | disjoint paths, dynamic routing, network layer, network resilience, redundancy, OD3R, wired IP |
Abstract: | Network resilience and routing adaptivity are essential for communication in state-of-the-art wired IP networks. While dynamic routing approaches consider the network topology when making routing decisions, they cannot guarantee that a functional path is provided during failures. However, by combining the well-known mechanism of dynamic routing with the possibility to use disjoint paths, uninterrupted communication can be guaranteed during single failures, while retaining the adaptivity to the current topology of dynamic routing. For that, we present On-Demand Disjoint Dynamic Routing (OD³R), a novel mechanism for dynamic routing with disjoint paths. Our simulation results demonstrate that OD³R guarantees at least one working path during any single link failures and an increased reliability in multi-link failure scenarios compared to single shortest path routing with reasonable overhead. |
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