Poster: State Tracking and Verification for Distributed Nodes through Traffic Inspection
Key: AZS24-2
Author: Konrad Altenhofen, Julian Zobel, Björn Scheuermann
Date: June 2024
Kind: In proceedings
Publisher: ACM
Book title: Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event- based Systems (DEBS ’24)
Keywords: traffic inspection, state tracking, transition validation
Abstract: Keeping track of protocol, node, or system states in a distributed network is non-trivial. However, state tracking combined with predefined allowed transitions for each state is essential to verify that nodes adhere to the specification and, finally, to detect faulty or malicious nodes. Typically, existing systems only consider context in network flows instead of the full states or use a simplified state model. Therefore, we examine challenges and factors influencing a state tracking and verification system.
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