Flexibility-aware Network Management of Time-Sensitive Flows | |
Key: | GRK-23-2 |
Author: | Christoph Gärtner, Amr Rizk, Boris Koldehofe, René Guillaume, Ralf Kundel, Ralf Steinmetz |
Date: | September 2023 |
Kind: | In proceedings |
Book title: | Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference |
Abstract: | We investigate the application of a recently published metric for flexibility in the context of combined port queue schedules of network paths in Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN). TSN comprises a set of specifications for deterministic networking, including support for scheduled traffic with guaranteed deterministic end-to-end delays. Typically, scheduler resource allocation in TSN disregards flexibility of scheduler configurations. Essentially, the notion of flexibility of paths comprising multiple concatenated ports having each a TSN configuration is based on the number of possible embeddings, i.e., resource allocations, for a new flow of a given specification (size and delay deadline) along that path. This demonstration allows the user to define TSN schedules along network paths and, hence, illustrates the behavior and benefit of performing flexibility-aware TSN configuration. |
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